Project Description

Yoga for Home Detox

Required equipment: Mat, Blocks, Bolster or Cushion.

Duration: 5 Classes

Difficulty Level: Beginner

Instructor: Eliza

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Online Course Description: 

These are gentle and grounding yoga classes, designed to get you out of your mind and into your body. When our mind is still and the body has effective movement, we are happier, present, and able to move through the world in a positive way. These classes have additional focuses on twists, which aid in digestion, deep breathing to detoxify the lungs, and hip openers to facilitate apana vayu, or downward flowing energy, which helps with elimination. All of these asanas will benefit you during your cleanse process and will integrate your mind and body into one. 

This is a gentle and grounding yoga class that will bring you out of your mind and into the presence of your body. We will gently move through twists for digestion, postures lying on your back to aid in relaxation, and hip openers to further assist in the downward flowing energy, responsible for elimination. We end in a standing position of empowerment.

Duration: 30 minutes

We begin the class in child’s pose and incorporate gentle movement with downward facing dogs between postures. We will do deep, juicy openers for the hip and shoulder joints, bringing movement and lubrication to these places where we energy can easily get stuck. Twists for detoxification are woven throughout the class. We end in savasana.

Duration: 23 minutes

A class to gently awaken the body. Circular movements, low lunges, chest and heart openers are incorporated into the class. We end with two types of pranayama breathing techniques to clear and calm the mind.

Duration: 34 minutes

We start with postures to calm the mind, and then move into poses to invigorate and use our energy effectively to create embodied transformation. We end the class with some moderate core exercises and relaxation.

Duration: 35 minutes

A class to gently awaken the body. Circular movements, low lunges, chest and heart openers are incorporated into the class. We end with two types of pranayama breathing techniques to clear and calm the mind.

Duration: 34 minutes